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Vieles wurde zu diesem Projekt beigetragen - leider kam die meiste Hilfe bisher in Form von
Beratung und Unterstützung. Ohne diese Hilfe wäre das Projekt aber nicht online,
und SIE hätten keine kostenlosen Bilder.


Sponsors and friends


Protecting the environment by advertising

This project is an initiative combining environmentalism and local advertising. The city of Ravensburg is NOT responsible for this project (see legal information).

The City Council of Ravensburg does, however, maintain numerous and costly projects to guard and protect Ravensburg´s valuable natural assets. There is even a model project called "ecological town". Please do not forget that the high quality of life we have come to expect our local administration to provide for us all, is not "just there" - it has to be maintained and financed.

Also, private projects like these pages are expensive both in terms of worktime and money. Advertising is just one small aspect of the effort to finance all this. Help, on the other hand, can come in many forms and ways. Many firms offered help by giving good, sound advice on the legal and technical aspects of this project. So here is a big THANK YOU to all people and enterprises who helped and help to keep up the work; as well as to my regular customers, who help me make a living.

At the moment, this project needs help in financing some foto equipment. The offer is this: you get online advertisements; I get a better lens (zoom and macro). Contact me

Business helpers


Law firms

Car firms

Food firms



Law firms


Kanzlei Meckenbeuren

This firm offers legal and fiscal advice. By stringent cooperation, lawyers and tax consultants neatly complement one another. Legal consultant Markus Reinhart works for firms and enterprises from all over the south of Germany. The lawyers offer advice to contract law, indemnity, criminal law and family law.

see the advertisment on these pages

visit the homepage


Riedesser, Weber
Brugger, Rung

This law firm is situated in Ravensburg, right in the town centre. The five lawyers offer advice to almost any legal problem.

see the advertisement on these pages

visit the homepage





Sicka Lackierungen

Sicka Varnishing is a famous local firm, working with cars for nearly a quarter of a century. Any damage to the body of your car will here be professionally mended. Also, the firm can mend and repair any damage to the varnishing of planes, helicopters, boats and motorcycles. The firm pays special heed to environmental standards and uses biodegradable materials wherever possible.

see the advertisement

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US Supermuscles is a famous German tuning firm. The two young entrepreneurs who founded it are great fans of all American muscle cars. The firm offers tuning, buying advice, repairs and also import of any American muscle car. Also, the firm has long experience in the upgrading of motors to use liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), providing a very ecological service to drivers who want to save money and protect the environment.

see the advertisement

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Weingalerie Tafel

The "Gallery of Wine" exists since more than two decades (!) and offers an extremely refined perspective to conoisseurs. Professional advice will be given to any buyer of European, American, Australian or South African wines. Also, the firm specialises in fine spirits and liquers. Her you will find a wide selection of the finest Scotch Whiskies and Cognacs. Besides, the firm offers regular events where you may personally meet wine merchants and producers and get a first-hand impression of their work - and a taste of it, too.

see the advertisment

visit the homepage




An optician in Ravensburg

see the advertisement

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Barbara Essig, Veterinarian

Animals and pets are usually the best advertisements for the protection of our environment. Loving our pets is a natural way to express love for God´s creation and love for nature.

see the advertisment

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"Computerstrike" is a way of defending yourself against your computer. The idea is, to ask yourself: "Who´s boss? ME or a bunch of taiwanese hardware?"

visit the homepage




thanks for advice on dragon flies to: www.libelleninfo.de





Created with Photo! Web Album by VicMan Software


Kostenlose Fotos

Die Javascript-gesteuerten Vorschau-Bildleisten beruhen auf einem HTML-Framework, das mit Hilfe folgenden Programmes erstellt wurde:

Photo! Web Album










HAUPTSEITEN: home + fotos + projekt + kontakt + english + |?

WERBUNG UND WERBEPARTNER: sponsoring + sponsoren

MEDIEN: kalender

THEMENSEITEN: naturschutz + ziele + fotografie + info + f.a.q

JURISTISCHES & TECHNISCHES: lizenz + links + sitemap + history + impressum

Naturwerbung ist die beste Standort-Werbung